


Our team includes multidisciplinary lawyers with extensive experience advising corporate clients at leading law firms.

We responsively advise our clients at all stages of their business lifecycle, starting from business establishment, reorganization, and to the liquidation or winding-up. Our professional coverage is not limited in reviewing various contracts, employment arrangements, tax issues, foreign exchange transactions, etc., but also advising on a wide range of matters that may arise out of running a business in general.

We stand for providing bespoke legal solutions to Korean enterprises investing into or doing business in Russia or any other countries of Central Asia. We have been retained by numerous Korean clients for their corporate advisory matters in connection with the sanctions regime taken against Russia following the Russo-Ukrainian crisis in 2022, including, but not limited to, remittance issues, contract amendments, and risks analysis.

Key Practice Areas

  • Incorporation

    Establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise, legal entity

    Establishment of an association, foundation

    Establishment of a research center

    Analysis of corporate governance, including preparation of shareholders agreements, articles of associations, etc.

  • Contracts Review

    Lease agreement, real estate purchase agreement

    Assignment agreement, business transfer agreement

    Product supply agreement, purchase agreement

    Game, advertisement publishing agreement, publication agreement

    Brand licensing agreement

    Consignment contract and subcontracting

    OEM / ODM agreement

    Distribution agreement, Agency agreement

    Consortium agreement

  • Legislation Review

    Personal Information Protection Act, Fair Trade Act, Foreign Exchange Transactions Act, Cosmetics Act, Act on Contracts to Which the State is a Party, Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act, Act on the Promotion of Collaborative Cooperation between Large Enterprises and Small-Medium Enterprises, etc.

  • Corporate Litigation

    Lawsuit for cancellation of a disposition confirming the illegibility to participate in bidding

    Lawsuit for cancellation of a business suspension disposition

    Lawsuit for refund of a payment, lawsuit for recovery of damages

    Representing a complainant seeking prosecution for embezzlement, criminal breach of fiduciary duty, etc.